Assembly of AHAYAHA

Followers of The Way


Key Pagan Words, Names, Calendars, & Symbols...


*Important Disclaimer: This is NOT necessarily an issue of sin or eternal salvation, but rather, of honoring and praising The Almighty, worshipping Him in Spirit & TRUTH so as not to blaspheme Him with pagan/idol/Satanic names, words, calendars & "holy" days (i.e. holidays/etc.), symbols/images, etc....



The Calendar (also holidays such as birthdays) - Click HERE

God - click HERE for details on the God deception which elaborates on the fact (not interpretation) that "God" is the name of a pagan idol who is identified as the devil/demon... instead of "God" we say AHAYAHA (translated into "I AM" as found in Exodus 3:14), which is how He revealed Himself when Moses asked for His Name.  We can also say "The Almighty" or "The Creator" or "The Heavenly Father", etc.... even "Ya" for short (as all of The Names are "Ya-based" such as AhaYAha and AYAshaYA" and "halleluYAh"...) furthermore, the word & letter "Ya(h)" is simply a direct reference in ancient  original biblical Hebrew to The Hand (of creation, which was pierced for us, which guides us, which lifts us up or tears us down, which is in control of all things and people, etc.)

King - the pagan idol “Moloch/Molek/Molech/etc.” translates directly to “king”... instead of "King" we say "Supreme Authority" (when in reference to The Almighty).... other options are "Head" or "First" or "Prime".... instead of "kingdom" (in reference to The Almighty) we say "realm" which is much more all encompassing and indicative of total sovereignty

Lord - English equivalent to ancient pagan idols “Baal” & “Adon” - the names “Baal” & “Adon” translate directly to “Lord”... in Hosea 2:16, The Almighty tells us we will no longer call Him "Lord" ("Baal")... instead of "Lord" we say "The Almighty" when in reference to The Creator/Saviour

Jesus - English form of the Greek name “Iesous” which is a composite name paying tribute to the Greek pagan idol of healing whose name was “Iaso” or more accurately “Ieso” in the Ionic dialect of the ancient Greeks (furthermore, “Ieso” grammatically speaking is the masculine conjugation of “Iaso” which is the ancient Greek pagan goddess of healing), as well as the Greek chief pagan deity “Zeus” due to the suffix “us” at the end of the name (which in ancient Greek names indicates that which is an offspring or attribute of the ancient Greek chief pagan idol Zeus).  As The Messiah is The Divine Son of The Heavenly Father, in their ancient Greek culture, it is understandable that they would call Him “The Healing Son of Zeus” or “Iesous”...

Indeed, this characteristic has always been very common in Greek names such as “DionysUS” or “TarsUS” or “DemetriUS” etc. as it has always been a trend in ancient languages and names to pay homage to a people’s chief deity (using words & names that are THEOPHORIC), much like how many Hebrew-based names pay tribute to “Ya[h]” &/or “El” in the spelling of their names, such as “JeremIAH” or “IsaIAH” or “ELiJAH” or “DaniEL” or “EzekiEL” or “MichaEL” or “IsraEL”...

Even if one argues that the suffix indicates no connection to Zeus, at the very least, “Jesus” (which is the English form of the Greek name “Iesous”) is clearly derived from their ancient Greek pagan idol of healing, “Iaso”/“Ieso” (this would make a lot of sense as The Saviour came to HEAL the sick, and so the pagan Greek speaking culture was attempting to grasp the idea of a Divine Healer... naturally, they would link this Divine Healer with their Greek pagan idol of healing, “Iaso”/“Ieso”). 

Furthermore, as they would have been trying to convey the idea that this Divine Healer is male rather than female, the suffix “ous” would make this clear, as Greek adjectives and participles would often use this “ous” ending to indicate a masculine/male form of a word to communicate the idea that it is neither female or neuter, but rather very clearly masculine/male (i.e. “The Son of The Father”).  This means that “Iesous” was acting not only as a name but as an adjective describing the masculine/male feature of The Divine Healer Who came directly from The Almighty Himself.

For more details on how the name "Jesus" is actually the ancient Greek pagan idol of healing, click HERE.  Instead of "Jesus" we say the true original ancient Hebrew form of His Name which is "AYASHAYA" (this may be shortened to "Yashaya" or "Yasha" or even "Ya" as in "halleluYAh")

Click HERE for more on The Saviour's True Name: AYASHAYA...

Christ - the same pagan title given to Egyptian pagan deity Horus, as well as Egyptian & Hellenistic pagan deity Serapis, Roman Mithras & Christos Helios, and so forth; note that followers of the pagan idol Serapis were called “Chrestians/Christians” and that “Christos” - from which we get the term “Christ” - is moreover a Greek form of “Krishna” which is a Hindu pagan idol.  Instead of "Christ" we simply say "The Anointed One" or "Ha'Mashayacha" when referring to The Saviour... it would also be acceptable to say "The Messiah" or simply "The Saviour" (instead of "Christian" when referring to those who follow The Saviour, we say "followers of The Way" as in Acts 9:2, 19:9, 19:23, 24:14, & 24:22)

Church - Click HERE... instead of "Church" we are The Assembly....

The Cross (Symbol) - Click HERE
(or for a brief, short overview, click HERE)

The "Star of David" (Symbol) - Click HERE
...or for a more in-depth study and hear from actual Talmudic rabbis what they have to say, click HERE for the inconvenient & disturbing truth about The Synagogue of Satan

- this word is etymologically linked to the pagan idol Aglaia (phonetically & conceptually).... instead of "glory" we say "splendor" (or "divine infinite splendor" when directly emphasizing a direct reference to The Almighty); instead of "glorify" we say "worship" or "exalt" or "magnify;" instead of "glorious" we say "resplendent" or "divinely resplendent" to emphasize the infinite splendor of The Almighty)

Yahweh - in the Canaanite pantheon of worshipped pagan idols, this was one of the 70 sons of “El” - the chief Canaanite pagan idol over all other idols worshipped...

However, we recognize the fact that YHWH is a 3rd person causative singular form of "hayah" and simply translates to "He (Who) Is".... therefore we may use it in that sense.... NOT as The Personal Name of The Almighty, but rather, as a description (Exodus 3:15) of "He Who Is" The Almighty (ALHY... aka "Elohe"... translates to "The Almighty" or "The Power" or "The Mighty One"). 

All 3 tetragrammatons in Exodus 3:14-15 (AHYH, YHWH, & ALHY) have actual translations and meanings, and thus actually translate to full sentences.... 

To say "AHYH YHWH ALHY" is to say "I AM He Who Is The Almighty." 

To say "YHWH ALHY AHYH" is to say "He (Who) Is The Almighty 'I AM.'" 

To say "ALHY YHWH AHYH" is to say "The Almighty: He (Who) Is 'I AM.'" 

and so on....

....but note that The Primary Tetragrammaton given in reference to The Almighty Creator, which is clearly referenced and corroborated in John 8:58, is Exodus 3:14's "I AM" - originally "AHAYAHA" in ancient pure Hebrew, although known in modern Talmudic Masoretic Hebrew as "Ehyeh"...

El - the two-letter “Aleph-Lamed” (as opposed to “El” as a designation for The First Letter of the ancient Hebrew alphabet now known as “Aleph”) - this two-letter “El” is the chief Canaanite pagan idol worshipped in their pantheon of ancient Canaanite pagan idols

Since we recognize that there are in fact two forms of "El" - the two-letter pagan form, and the one-letter non-pagan form (the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet was originally simply "Ah" which evolved into "Al" then to "El" and today in modern Talmudic Masoretic Hebrew "Aleph"), we make this distinction when using "El" (Click HERE to see a breakdown of the Hebrew alphabet from ancient to modern usage).  This means that the names "Israel," "Michael," "Daniel," "Ezekiel," "Jezreel," "Gabriel," "Samuel," and so forth are NOT references to the Canaanite pagan two-letter idol named "El" but rather simply the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and the first letter of The Name of The Almighty - The Tetragrammaton AHYH (Ahayaha) which is translated in English to "I AM" and is clearly seen in both Exodus 3:14 as well as John 8:58.

Adon/Adonis/Adonai - “Adonis” is an ancient Greek pagan idol, and “Adonai” is a Hebrew plural form meaning “My Lords” whereas “Adoni” is a Hebrew singular form meaning “My Lord” which in essence equates with the pagan idol “Baal” which means “Lord”... "Adon" (which is a Hebrew/Semitic, Ugaritic, & Phoenician word) literally means "Lord" and is synonymous with "Baal"... instead of this, like with "Lord," we replace it with the pure form "Almighty" (or The Almighty, or Almighty One, etc.)

Amen/Amon/Amun - this is the name of one of the primary Egyptian pagan idols.  We instead use the original ancient Hebrew form of "AMN" which is "Ahmahnah." (Click HERE to see a breakdown of the Hebrew alphabet from ancient to modern usage)


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