Assembly of AHAYAHA
Followers of The Way
The Creator's Calendar...
For The Creator's Calendar see as we honor The Almighty in how we count and name the days & months, for we ascribe to Him the glory and praise in how we measure time (NOT pagan idols, "gods" and "devils" with systems like the Gregorian calendar or pagan idol names such as "January" or "Wednesday" or "Thursday" or "Friday" or "Saturday" and so on...). It must also be noted that the names of the days of the week and months of the year (apart from actual numbers) apparently entered human culture after The Fall, when sin entered the world and corrupted the original design of The Almighty Creator. For example, the flood started on the 17th day of the 2nd month (Genesis 7:11). Biblically, in the beginning (at least prior to The Flood of Genesis 7), names were NOT used for days/months/years (other than using a person, thing, or event as a reference point)... only numbers.... In The Bible, in Jubilees 6:22-32, The Creator's Calendar, The Calendar of The Almighty AHAYAHA, is laid out very clearly. And in Jubilees 6:33-38 there is a crucial warning against tampering with The Divine Calendar, where people will no longer follow a 364-day year, as laid out clearly in Jubilees 6:22-32, but will forget The Creator's Calendar and will instead twist it (into today's corrupted Pagan Gregorian calendar). Other main biblical passages that provide extremely clear guidelines for The Creator's Calendar: Enoch 72:37, 74:10, 74:12, 81:7, 81:11; Jubilees 2:9 (great sign of the sun calibrating & re-calibrating & resetting the calendar year every year, rebooting each calendar year thus establishing the days of the week at the beginning of every year), Jubilees 6:22-38; The Key of David in Psalm 18 (or Psalm 19 in the Masoretic Talmudic text which is what most corrupted Bibles have, as they are NOT based on The Septuagint LXX Bible that was in use by Hebrews from the 3rd Century B.C.E to 1st Century C.E.) which makes it clear that the sun goes into his canopy/chamber/tabernacle on the day after the 364 Day solar cycle race which is the day of the Spring Equinox, and the day after the Spring Equinox the sun comes out of his canopy/chamber to begin to run his 364 Day solar cycle race, which is Day #1 of 364; so the day the sun shines due west into his canopy/temple/tabernacle which is facing due east is the day which is not a part of the 364 Day calendar); Job 3:1-26 (he was likely born on The Spring Equinox and cursed the day he was born so this was removed from the reckoning of the year, bringing it from 365.24 days to only 364 because he was likely conceived the night of the Summer Solstice which is the shortest night of the year at approximately 0.24 of the day, and so the full day plus night period of Job 3 which was cursed and taken out of the calendar is exactly 1.24 days which is the precise difference between a 364 Day calendar and a 365.24 day solar cycle); Enoch 72-82; & Leviticus 23:3 & 23:32 For more info, see (CLICK HERE for Calendar Rules) As for "holidays" (i.e. birthdays, Christmas, New Year's, Easter, Halloween, Valentine's Day, Thanksgiving, Independence Day, 9/11, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Veterans Day, etc.), even a cursory Google search makes it glaringly evident that Bible-believers who are true followers of The Way (Acts 9:2, 24:14) refrain from partaking in such blatantly pagan, anti-biblical, and/or revisionist events (click here & here for more; and note that we are NOT Jehovah's Witnesses and do not identify with them at all, but merely acknowledge their correct posture toward pagan holidays/festivals/feasts/practices). As Jeremiah 10:2 emphatically states, we must "learn NOT the ways of the heathen..." (although we do not ignore Romans 14:1-8 & Colossians 2:16-17) It should be noted that perhaps the most disturbing of these "holidays" is birthdays, highlighted by biblical verses such as Ecclesiastes 7:1ff, and even more so by the fact that birthdays are "the highest holiday of the year" for Satanists ( We instead adhere to The Creator's Calendar. Enochian Ancient Hebrew Calendar Explained in Brief SOURCE:
There is ONLY one method to calibrate the
Enoch Calendar.
That method has to produce a 364 Day Calendar Year EVERY YEAR and account for the 365th Day of the sun which is a "great sign on the earth" per Jubilees 2:9 Yes, this same method accounts for the 366th leap day during leap years. Every published Enoch calendar we have seen to date, the publishers don't understand the difference between a 364 Day Calendar Year and a 365 Day Solar Cycle. They aren't the same. They fail to understand the need to account for the 365th Day of the Solar cycle and their calendars experience slippage and their year ends too early before the Spring Equinox. They loose a day every year and two days every leap year. Most of the false calendars over several years accumulate the leap days and then balance their calendar with a "leap week" they made up. The reason why these false calendar creators fail is because they fail to understand the Spring Equinox calibrates / re-calibrates / resets the days of the week. Rather they false use the Gregorian days of the week which are false days of the week and is the main problem for their incorrect calendars. The Spirit of Truth led us to discover the missing 365th Day from the calendar and it was the day of Job's birth that he cursed and had removed from the calendar in Job 3:1-6. Enochian Ancient Hebrew Calendar (More In-Depth Study) SOURCE:
The Enoch Calender is shown in
the 1st Book Of Enoch and was given by the Angel Uriel (YahEl), and
is the original Priestly Calendar that was used in the Torah. The
Enoch Calendar is a 12-Month Solar Calendar having 364 Days Only,
and it was used by the antediluvian patriarchs and by Noah, Abraham,
and Jacob. It was taught to Moses by the Angel Yah and it continued
in effect through the 2nd Temple period under Ezra and Nehemiah. It
was the official Hebrew calendar until the 2nd Century BCE, when
King Antiochus IV Epiphanes ended the use of the Enoch Calendar and
forced the Hebrew people (sons of Eber/Heber) to observe the Lunar
The New Moon Calendar was the official calendar of the Greeks, and when "Alexander the Great" conquered the Middle East in the 4th century BCE, the Lunar Calendar was introduced and was gradually accepted by most of the people, except for the Hebrew people. In 172 BCE, King Antiochus appointed Menelaus, as Jerusalem's High Priest, to introduce the Greek way of educating the young people, and to completely Hellenize the Hebrew people. He also sent a Senator from Athens to give the Hebrew people an ultimatum, to forsake the Laws of their Almighty AHAYAHA and follow the Kings orders or to be put to death, so most of the Hebrew people followed the Kings orders to save their families, and many were put to death. King Antiochus forced the Hebrew people to celebrate the "Birthday of the Month," every month, at the time of the moon's first visibility. Hephaistio of Thebes was an astrologer in the 5th Century CE, who compiled the historical Hellenistic Astrology Records in his research work called "Apotelesmatics." Hephaistio quotes King Antiochus saying that the New Moon is the time when the "Moon is Born" and is the "Birthday of the Month:"
In 167 BCE, King Antiochus returned to Jerusalem after his second campaign in Egypt, and he immediately banned the Hebrew religion and the Enoch Calendar, and prohibited all religious practices. He dedicated the Temple in Jerusalem to Zeus, "the Lord of Heaven" (Baal Shamen), and ordered the Hebrew people to worship Zeus and to participate in the festival honoring Dionysus, who was Zeus' son, (who was called Bacchus by the Romans), and Dionysus/Bacchus was known as the "dying and rising god" as he was "twice born." This festival, called Bacchanalia, was held on March 16th and March 17th to pollute the Hebrew Spring Equinox Day and New Year's Day. When King Antiochus began sacrificing swine and making abominable offerings in the Temple, this began the Maccabean revolt (1 Maccabees Chapter 1, and 2 Maccabees Chapters 4, 6 and 7): 1 Maccabees 1:41-51 Then the king wrote to his whole kingdom that all should be one people, 42 and that each should give up his customs. 43 All the Gentiles accepted the command of the king. Many even from Israel gladly adopted his religion; they sacrificed to idols and profaned the sabbath. 44 And the king sent letters by messengers to Jerusalem and the cities of Judah; he directed them to follow customs strange to the land, 45 to forbid burnt offerings and sacrifices and drink offerings in the sanctuary, to profane sabbaths and feasts, 46 to defile the sanctuary and the priests, 47 to build altars and sacred precincts and shrines for idols, to sacrifice swine and unclean animals, 48 and to leave their sons uncircumcised. They were to make themselves abominable by everything unclean and profane, 49 so that they should forget the law and change all the ordinances. 50 "And whoever does not obey the command of the king shall die." 51 In such words he wrote to his whole kingdom. And he appointed inspectors over all the people and commanded the cities of Judah to offer sacrifice, city by city.
The Dionysus/Bacchus festival is still celebrated to this day, and it's called Mardi Gras, and it includes the "Bacchus Parade." The date of this celebration was later changed to be on the day before "Ash Wednesday," and the name "New Year's Day," (March 17th), was later changed to be called "St. Patrick's Day," and it is the "Welcome Sign" of the First Day of Spring, with its Festivals of Green clothes, Green hats, Green food, Green drinks, etc.:
King Antiochus took away the freedom of the Hebrew people to worship AHAYAHA, and forced them to honor Zeus (a false deity) and his son Bacchus (son of Zeus). This happened in exactly 350 years, as the book of Daniel stated; from the time King Darius began his reign in 520 BCE to the time King Antiochus enforced his Hellenization policies on the people in 170 BCE. The Jubilee Timing is 350 years, (Time = 100, Times = 200, ½ Time = 50), or 7 Jubilees. King Antiochus died 1,335 days after he dedicated the Temple to Zeus and 1,290 days after he sacrificed swine on Yah's Altar:
The Book of Jubilees was written during this time and it preserved the Enoch Calendar. It warned the Hellenistic Jews to guard themselves against keeping the Athenian Calendar that begins the year on the first New Moon after the Summer Solstice. The writers of the Book of Jubilees feared that if the Hebrew people observed the Athenian Calendar and King Antiochus' monthly New Moon Birthday Festival that begins the Greek months, that they would forget the Enoch Calendar and Yah's months that end the year on the Spring Equinox, that is the Sabbath Day, and it sets the 7th Day Sabbaths. They would lose track of their Sabbath Day and forget their monthly Festivals on the 1st Day of each Solar Month, and forget the Annual Feast Days, as they are all on Fixed Days every year, based on the Spring Equinox that ends the year:
For this reason the years will come upon them when they will Disturb (the order), and make an Abominable (Day) the Day of Testimony, and an Unclean Day a Feast Day, and they will confound all the days, the holy with the unclean, and the unclean day with the holy; for THEY WILL GO WRONG AS TO THE MONTHS AND SABBATHS AND FEASTS AND JUBILEES. For this reason I command and testify to thee that thou mayst testify to them; for after thy death thy children will disturb (them), so that THEY WILL NOT MAKE THE YEAR THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY−FOUR DAYS ONLY, and for this reason they will go Wrong as to the Months and Seasons and Sabbaths and Festivals, and they will eat all kinds of blood with all kinds of flesh. The Birthday of the Month Festival was observed by most of the Hebrew people because they feared King Antiochus. After the death of King Antiochus, in 164 BCE, some of the Hebrew priests tried to restore the Solar Calendar, but the Greek New Moon influence was all around them. Later, in 359 CE, Hillel II introduced the fixed calculated New Moon Calendar that is based on the conjunction of the earth, moon, and sun, and this Lunar Calendar has been used by Jews and others to this day, to determine the 1st Day of the Months and the Annual Feast Days. However, the term "New Moon" (yareach chadash יָרֵחַ חָדָשׁ) is Not Written anywhere in the Hebrew Scriptures. The Scriptures only use the word "month" (chodesh חֹדֶשׁ) and it pertains to a Solar Month. The translators mixed up a few of the Hebrew words due to vowel point errors, like CHODESH חֹדֶשׁ which means either "month/s" or "new month" and the word CHADASH חָדָשׁ which means "New." They also confused the word YERACH יֶרַח which means "Month," as in a "Complete Month," with the word YAREACH יָרֵחַ which means "Moon," and this is where the translation error of New Moon came into the various books and bibles, as it was commonly known that the Hebrew people observed the New Moon and kept a New Moon Festival every month. However, observing the New Moon is not commanded in the Torah, nor is the term "New Moon" ever mentioned in the whole Tanakh when you look at the original Hebrew text, and the word moon (yareach) is only mentioned THREE times in the Torah, of which two times are warnings not to worship or serve the moon:
Later, when the Hebrew people adopted the Julian Calendar in 45 BCE, the 7 Day Week continued as usual and the Names of the Week Days remained the same, so the Hebrew people felt that the calendar changes would not affect them. However, the extra Day that was added, for a 365 Day Year, totally disrupted the weekly Sabbath cycle, as only on a 364 Day Calendar will the Sabbath be on a Fixed Name Day of the week in every year, like on every Saturday. The extra 365th Day made the 7th Day rotate to a different Name Day of the week beginning on the last day of every year. [The Name Saturday comes from the Latin Saturni dies, meaning the star god "Saturn's Day."] The Enoch Calendar is determined by the Sun and the Stars, giving us a year of exactly 364 days that have exactly 24 hours in each day. The Julian and Gregorian Calendars are determined by the Stars only, (the zodiac constellations that are ruled by planets/gods), and planets are wandering stars. There are five visible wandering stars: Mars, Mercury, Jupiter Venus, and Saturn, plus the Sun and Moon, and each one rules over one day in the week on the Gregorian Calendar. One must remember that the spirits/angels and the stars are not the same thing. The spirits/angels were created on Day One of the creation week, (Jubilees 2:2-3), and the stars, sun and moon were created on Day Four of the creation week, and they are different creations having different functions; i.e. many of the spirits/angels are responsible for "Leading" the sun, stars, and moon through the heavenly portals to keep perfect timing over the earth by controlling light, darkness, seasons, weather, and sea levels, (Enoch 75:1, 80:1, 82:4-20):
Another ruling star is called Hamal, (HamEl), in constellation Aries, and it is the Gregorian Calendar's "Equinox Star," that gives a year of 365 days that have 23 hours, 56 minutes and about 5 seconds per day, in its circuit. The Egyptians associated constellation Aries with their "Horned Ram/Goat" god named "AMEN," meaning "The Hidden One." The horned ram/goat god Amen was the king of all the gods of Egypt, and rams and goats were idolized. This is why Yah ordered every Hebrew family to slaughter a young ram or goat; to slaughter the gods of Egypt and profane Egypt's idols by smearing the life-blood of the animal around their doors for all the Egyptians to see. This was a ONE TIME commanded slaughter event that proved their loyalty to Yah and not to Pharaoh and his false deities, in order to be rescued and freed by Yah, (Exodus 12:5, 9-14, 22 and 8:25-27):
Another phrase that should not be heard out of our mouth is Alleluia or Hallelouia, as it means "Praise Not Yah." The "ou" or "u" means not or no in Greek and it is a corruption of the Hebrew phrase "Halal Yah." To say "Praise Yah" in Greek, it is said "Aineo Ia." To say "Praise Yah" in Hebrew, it is said "Halal Yah," and there is no Hebrew "lo" in the middle, which means not or no.
The Julian Calendar reduced each hour of the day by 9.86 Seconds so that the hour has about 59 minutes and 50 Seconds, and the change was so subtle that the Hebrew people were unaware that this minor change could affect anything, let alone their Sabbath Day. The "9.86 Seconds Per Hour" equates to almost 4 minutes per day (3.9452 minutes per day or 236.7 seconds per day), that is taken out of each of the 364 days to create the 365th day, that is March 15th. This is why our days are called Sidereal Days, as the days have 23 hours, 56 minutes, and about 5 seconds, and it is not a True 24 Hour Day. The “365th Created Day," (March 15th), is inserted into the calendar each year next to the Last Day of year, which is March 16th. The same procedure is followed again to create a Leap Day every fourth year, where additional minutes are taken out of each of the original 364 days of the prior year to create the 366th day, (February 29th), which is inserted into the Gregorian calendar at the end of the 50th week every Fourth Year; (i.e. 2/29/2008, 2/29/2012, 2/29/2016, 2/29/2020, etc.). It is interesting to note that February 29th will always fall on Enoch's 7th Day (the True Sabbath). The following is the formula that governments use to calculate a Sidereal Day or an extra day for their calendar, and it basically just takes out minutes from the original 364 days to create another day: 1) 364 days X 1440 min. per day = 524,160 min. per 364 day year 2) 524,160 / 365 = 1436.05479... min. per day in a 365 day year 3) 1440 - 1436.05479... = 3.9452... minutes taken out of each of the 364 days OR 9.86 seconds taken out of each hour: (3.9452 min. X 60 sec. = 236.7123... sec. per day / 24 hours = 9.86 seconds taken out of each hour) 4) 1436.05479... min. per day / 60 min. = 23.934246575... hours in each of the 365 days 5) .934246575 X 60 = 56.054794520... minutes & seconds 6) TOTAL: 23 hours, 56 minutes, and .05... seconds in each of the Gregorian 365 Days, as compared to Exactly 24 Hours in each of Enoch's 364 Days. So you can see that the Extra Day (365th or March 15th) does not exist, but the Minutes do exist, and the Enoch Calendar leaves the minutes where they belong for a 364 day year that has exactly 24 hours in each day. The Gregorian Calendar adds extra days by reducing minutes, and therefore it throws off the Sabbath Day and throws off the Feast Days, and places them on an "Abominable Day," just like the Lunar Calendar does:
The following is a 5-Year Example showing that a Saturday 7th Day Sabbath is Not possible in every year on the Gregorian Calendar. The Gregorian Calendar gives you the illusion that you are observing the 7th Day Sabbath, but you are really only observing Saturday. The "True 7th Day" will be on a different Name day of the week because when the 365th Day and 366th Day is added to the calendar, the Name Order will rotate to different Name Days on the Gregorian Calendar. Although the "Number” for each day Does Not Change its Order (1st Day to 7th Day), the "Name” for each day Does Change its Order (Sunday to Saturday). Therefore, the real week will begin and end on a different Name day of the week, i.e. Sunday to Saturday. Only on a 364 day calendar will the 7th Day Sabbath fall on the same Name day in every year. When the 365th Day (Day 0) is inserted into the calendar every year in the 52nd Week, Saturday shifts Back One Day, and when the 366th Day (Day 0) is inserted into the calendar every 4th year in the 52nd Week, Saturday shifts Back Two Days. In other words, Saturday will fall on any day of the week from the 1st Day to the 7th Day of the week. EXAMPLE OF 7TH DAY SABBATH ON GREGORIAN CALENDAR BELOW: 2nd Year - Saturday (S) shifts back 1 Day and is on the 6th Day of the week;3rd Year - Saturday (S) shifts back 1 Day and is on the 5th Day of the week; 4th Year - Saturday (S) shifts back 1 Day and is on the 4th Day of the week; 5th Year - Saturday (S) shifts back 2 Days and is on the 2nd Day of the week; 6th Year - Saturday (S) shifts back 1 Day and is on the 1st Day of the week.
The 365th and 366th added days
are illusion
days that do not exist as separate days on Yah's Calendar. The
following shows what day of the week the so called Saturday Sabbath
fell on during the first five years, or when the 365th Day, (March
15th), and the 366th Day, (February 29th), were originally added to
the Calendar. The 7 Days of the Week are in "Fixed" and "Permanent"
positions Forever, but the "Names" that have been assigned to the 7
Days are "Not" in fixed and permanent positions, because
Week 52 was changed to have 8 or 9 days in that week, (or 2
additional separate days), which caused the name Saturday to shift
back every year to a different Number Day of the week in the
continuous 7 day count. So, Saturday has become
a floating day and it is not the 7th Day Sabbath in every year:
![]() This process continues yearly on the Gregorian Calendar and the True 7th Day Sabbath will begin on a different Name Day of the Week (Sunday to Saturday) starting on the Last Day of the Year, which is March 16th, (the Day of Equal Night and Equal Day in Jerusalem), and this is the SIGN of the Sabbath Day: Jubilees 2:20-22 And I have chosen the seed of Jacob from amongst all that I have seen, and have written him down as My first−born son, and have sanctified him unto Myself for ever and ever; 21 and I will teach them the Sabbath Day, that they may keep Sabbath thereon from all work. And thus HE CREATED THEREIN A SIGN in accordance with which they should keep Sabbath with us on the Seventh Day, to eat and to drink, and to bless Him who has created all things as He has blessed and sanctified unto Himself a peculiar people above all peoples, 22 and that they should keep Sabbath together with us. And He caused His commands to ascend as a sweet savour acceptable before Him all the days. Jubilees 2:16-17 And he completed all his work on the sixth day, all that is in the heavens and on the earth and in the seas and in the abysses, in the light and in the darkness and in every thing; and HE GAVE US A GREAT SIGN (FOR) THE DAY OF THE SABBATH, that we should do work six days, and should rest on the Sabbath from all work. 17 And all the Angels of the Face and all the Angels that Cry " Holy," to us, these Two Great Kinds, He said that we should observe the Sabbath with Him in heaven and on earth. As you can see above, it is impossible for Saturday to be the 7th Day Sabbath in every year because of the added two days. Although the "Number Order" of the Days remain fixed (1st Day to 7th Day), their corresponding "Name Order" of the Days, (Sunday to Saturday), change positions. This is very important to understand because only the weekly 7th Day is the HOLY DAY, and Not the Name Saturday. The 7th Day will be on a different Name Day in the week beginning every March 16th for a whole year. The 7th Day Sabbath can only be on a Fixed Name Day in the week on a calendar of 364 days, having Exactly 52 Weeks, and Not 52 Weeks plus Two Days as on the Gregorian Calendar: Jubilees 6:29-31 And they placed them on the heavenly tablets, each had thirteen weeks; from one to another (passed) their memorial, from the first to the second, and from the second to the third, and from the third to the fourth. 30 And all the days of the commandment will be Two and Fifty Weeks of days, and (these will make) the entire year complete. Thus it is engraven and ordained on the heavenly tablets. 31 And there is no neglecting (this commandment) for a single year or from year to year. This is clear to see on the Enoch 364 Day Calendar that does not have the Roman names Sunday through Saturday on it, and excludes the "Name 3/15" in every year. The "Name 3/14" corresponds to the 30th Day of the 12th Month and it is excluded every 4th year when the "Name 2/29" is included. One only needs to remember that March 16th is the Last Day of the Year and the Last Sabbath Day of the Year, in Every Year, and to count to every 7th Day thereafter (i.e. March 23, 30, April 6, 13, etc.) to observe the "Holy Sabbath Day." March 16th is the day of "Equal Night and Equal Day," (the SIGN of the Sabbath Day):
The Gregorian 365/366 Day Sidereal Time Calendar cannot be reconciled with the Enoch 364 Day Holy Calendar, just as the Gregorian 365/366 Day Sidereal Time Calendar cannot be reconciled with the Jewish 354/384 Religious Calendar, as they are different time calendar systems. However, the adjustments that are made towards the end of the year on the Gregorian Calendar can be stopped by taking out the added 365th Day ("The Ides Of March") and the 366th Day ("The Leap Day") to have a 364 day year. These adjustments were made towards the end of the year, i.e. February 29th, and therefore the corrections have to be made before the end of the year or before the Equalized Day of March 16th, and not at the beginning of the new year. The Equalized Day is based on Latitude and March 16th is the day of equal night and equal day in Jerusalem, (at Latitude 31° North), and it is the day of equal night and equal day in Abraham's city of Ur, (at Latitude 30° North), and it is the day of equal night and equal day in Al Jizah [at the Great Pyramid of Giza], (at Latitude 30° North), and it is the day of equal night and equal day at Mount Sinai, (at Latitude 28° North). Mount Sinai in Egypt is parallel to Elim, Tabuk, Saudi Arabia, (at Latitude 28° North), which is near Jabal al-Lawz, that may be the real Mount Sinai:
On the Roman Calendar, March 15th marked the beginning of the Consular Year in the Republic, when two elected Roman Consuls and Augures (priests) took office for a one year term, from March 15th to March 14th. The Consular Year had 10 months of 30 days each, plus 4 days that end the seasons (2 equinox days and 2 solstice days) or 304 days in total. The Romulus Calendar took away two months of 30 days, and if those two months were put back into the calendar, it would be the Enoch Calendar, ending the year on the 30th Day of the 12th month, with the season change day following it on the 31st Day, (the spring equinox), which is now called March 16th. Later, in 700 BCE, King Numa Pompilius added the months of January and February because their equinox day was occurring in different months on the Romulus Calendar, and March 15th became January 1st. [NOTE: Pope Gregory XIII advanced the calendar by 10 days, where October 4th was followed by October 15th in 1582, skipping 10 Days. This was done in order to set the winter solstice on the Solar Fesival called "Natalis Invicti, (solis)" (the birthday of the invincible sun), which was celebrated on December 25th. This kind of calendar change is easily done, and as recently as 2011, the country of Samoa removed December 30th from their calendar.]. March 16th is the Last Day of the Year, the 364th Day, and is the Day of Equal Night & Day in Jerusalem, with the Sunrise and Sunset times occurring at 5:48 and Solar Noon occurring at 11:48 a.m. March 16th is the 7th Day Sabbath and Sets the 7th Day Sabbaths for the Next Year on both the Enoch Calendar and the Gregorian Calendar. March 17th is New Year's Day in every year, but the world calls this day "Saint Patrick's Day:"
To make it easier to see, we made the adjustment at
the end of the year, to show March 14th and March 15th as ONE DAY, "Joshua's
Long Day." Joshua observed the Feast of Booths and had a
"Reading of the Law," (Joshua 8:34-35, Deuteronomy 31:10-13,
Nehemiah 8), and after the Feast the Israelites went to war in the
land of Canaan that lasted five years, (Jasher 88:54). It was
probably on the 6th day of the week, (that was the 30th day of the
month), that Yah held back the sun and moon from setting in order to
finish the war with the Amorites before the 7th Day Sabbath, (that
was the 31st day of the month). This is the time that the season
changes for two days, where the sun stays at the same position, and
time stopped for an additional 24 hours in time, but it was within
that same 6th day of the week:
The word Solstice is from the Latin words Sol (sun)
Stes (stay), or solstitium (solstice), where the sun stays at the
same position or same latitude for two days, which is the 30th and
31st days, ending each season on the Enoch Calendar. The days
in Enoch's time and in Joshua's time had 18 Parts or Moments per
day, which is 18 hours per day. When the sun and moon stood still,
it was for 36 Moments and this is equal to "Two Days in Time that
Passed," that had occurred in One Whole Day in the Week:
Jasher 88:63-65 And when they were smiting, the day was Declining toward Evening, and Joshua said in the sight of all the people, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon, and thou moon in the valley of Ajalon, until the nation shall have revenged itself upon its enemies.64 And The Almighty hearkened to the voice of Joshua, and the sun stood still in the midst of the heavens, and it stood still SIX AND THIRTY MOMENTS, and the moon also stood still and hastened not to go down a whole day. 65 And there was no day like that, before it or after it, that The Almighty hearkened to the voice of a man, for The Almighty fought for Israel. Enoch 72:31-33 And on that day the sun rises from that portal, and sets in the west, and returns to the East, and rises in the Third Portal for One-And-Thirty Mornings, and sets in the west of the heaven. On That Day the NIGHT decreases and amounts to NINE PARTS, and the DAY to NINE PARTS, and the NIGHT IS EQUAL TO THE DAY AND THE YEAR IS EXACTLY AS TO ITS DAYS THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FOUR. Joshua 10:13-14 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down a Whole Day. 14 And on the day before and after, we heard AHAYAHA and voice of men: for AHAYAHA fought for Israel. Habakkuk 3:11 The sun and moon stood still in their habitation: at the light of thine arrows they went, and at the shining of thy glittering spear. Each day has a total of 1440 minutes per day, whether it is broken down by 18 hours per day having 80 minutes per hour or 24 hours per day having 60 minutes per hour. Jerusalem is where the timing begins for the Sabbath DAY, at Dawn. For example, the Sun Rises over the Jerusalem area first and travels westward, rising over Egypt, then Libya, then Algeria, then over the Atlantic Ocean to rise over New York, continuing to California, then Hawaii, then Japan, then China, then Afghanistan, then Iran, and then the the Sun Rises over the Jerusalem area again to begin the Next DAY, where Dawn continues moving westward around the earth to begin the Next DAY for all the nations on earth:
In other words, Dawn, (dawn/morning - boqer בֹּקֶר), begins the 7th DAY, (day - yom יוֹם), for all the nations on earth, as Dawn is a "24-Hour Period" that is allocated to all the nations. The Sabbath Day goes forth from Jerusalem, making the "Dawn Time" be the beginning and the same Sabbath DAY for all the nations on earth. The Sabbath DAY starts and ends during the time when the sun's light is seen. For example, Evening-Dawn is when the first light of the sun is seen until the top of the sun is seen on the horizon; DAY Light is when any portion of the disk of the sun is seen in the sky; Evening-Dusk is when the top of the sun is not seen on the horizon and the light diminishes to no light; and Night is when the sun's light is not seen at all. Evening-Dawn and Evening-Dusk is "Astronomical Twilight" in today's terminology and represents a time period between "1 Hour and 20 Minutes to 1 Hour and 40 Minutes" before Sunrise and after Sunset. The term "Between the Evenings" means from after sunset or Evening-Dusk to before sunrise or Evening-Dawn and between these two evenings is when the Hebrews killed and prepared their lambs, and burned the leftovers before dawn or morning:
Exodus 12:10 And you shall let nothing of it remain until the morning; and that which remains of it until the morning, you shall burn with fire. Deuteronomy 16:7 And thou shalt roast and eat it in the place AHAYAHA thy Almighty One shall choose: and thou shalt turn back in the morning and go back to thy tents. Psalm 113:3 From the Rising of the Sun to its Going Down, AHAYAHA's Name shall be praised. Malachi 1:11 For from the rising of the sun even to the going down thereof, my name has been glorified among the nations, and in every place incense is offered to my name and a pure offering: for my name is the greatest among the nations, saith AHAYAHA Almighty. (Septuagint) Psalm 50:1-2 The Head of Heads, AHAYAHA has spoken, and called the earth from the rising of the sun to the going down thereof, 2 Out of Sion comes the beauty of His excellence. (Septuagint)
The term Evening is part of the Day. Evening
(Dawn) and Evening (Dusk) are the parts of the DAY that are
SEPARATION periods created to make a division in-between Night and
Day. One part (evening/dawn) escorts the LIGHT "in", for the DAY to
begin, and one part (evening/dusk) escorts the LIGHT "out," for the
NIGHT to begin, and Evening is basically the divider In-Between Day
and Night, that SEPARATES the Day from the Night. When the biblical
texts say DAY, like in Sabbath Day, it means only the period of
LIGHT, and Philo Judaeus of the early first century CE also explains
Long before the biblical texts were written, the Sumerian texts were etched in stone around 3000 BCE, and they show that the Seventh Day was in the Daytime, from dawn to dusk. They would not even mourn over their dead on the Seventh DAY (during the daytime). In the Sumerian story of Noah's Flood, it shows that even the forces of nature stopped working on the Seventh DAY (during the daytime):
The Book of Enoch shows the original Holy Calender and gives details on the number of days in each of the 12 months. It tells us that the Calendar is Solar, with a year that has Exactly 364 Days. It states that the Last Day of the Year (the 31st Day) has Equal Night and Equal Day Parts (hours and minutes):
The Vernal Equinox Day does NOT have Equal Night and Day Parts. In astronomy, the Vernal Equinox is defined as a moment or point in time (not a whole day) when the center of the Sun can be observed directly above the earth's Equator. The Equator is over 2,000 miles away from Mount Sinai, where the Enoch Calendar was given to Moses, so the Vernal Equinox has absolutely nothing to do with the Holy Calendar. The Equator is where the world's Equinox is established, but Yah's Equinox is established at Mount Zion, which is the "Center" and the "Navel" of the Earth: Jubilees 8:19 And he knew that the Garden of Eden is the holy of holies, and the dwelling of The Almighty, and Mount Sinai the centre of the desert, and MOUNT ZION THE CENTRE AND THE NAVEL OF THE EARTH: these three were created as holy places facing each other. Ezekiel 5:5 Thus says The Almighty AHAYAHA: This is Jerusalem; I have set her in the center of the nations, with countries round about her.
Micah 4:2 And many nations shall come, and say: "Come, let us go up to the mountain of AHAYAHA, to the house of The Almighty One of Jacob; that He may teach us His ways and we may walk in His paths." For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of AHAYAHA from Jerusalem. Jubilees 4:26 For The Almighty has four places on the earth, the Garden of Eden, and the Mount of the East, and this mountain on which thou art this day, Mount Sinai, and Mount Zion (which) will be sanctified in the new creation for a sanctification of the earth; The Vernal Equinox day is actually the annual holiday for the resurrection of the sun god Attis, who was worshipped in the Roman Empire. Also, Greenwich, London is where the world's Prime Meridian is established. The meridian is an imaginary straight line going from the Northern hemisphere to the Southern hemisphere on a map. Yah's Meridian is established in Jerusalem, Israel, where time is made "perfect," with Jerusalem (Jeru'Salem), Israel in the North ending winter on March 16th with an equal sunrise and sunset time at 5:47, and with Salima (Salim'a), Malawi in the South ending summer on September 14th with an equal sunrise and sunset time at 5:37. The book of Isaiah 38:8 says that the shadow on the sun dial changed by 10 degrees or 10 minutes on the scale of Ahaz. The line shown below, from North to South, is the True Meridian line going through the Jerusalem area and through the Salima area:
The “Change of Season” occurs every 13 Weeks (or every 91 Days) or 4 Days in a year. Each month has 30 days, plus an additional day at the end of each quarter, (the 31st day), for the season change, where "the sun remains at the same latitude as the 30th day.” The word Solstice means the "sun stays," and it comes from the Latin word "solstitium," so the "sun stays" at the same celestial latitude for two days in order to change seasons. Latitude lines are circular lines going from north to south, from +90° to -90°. For example, the sun is at the celestial latitude of 0° on the true equinoxes, March 16th and September 14th (the 31st Days). On the solstices, the sun is at the celestial latitude of 90° North on June 15th, and is at the the celestial latitude of 90° South on December 14th (the 31st Days). In other words, there are 4 Days in the year that are the 31st Days, where the sun will remain at the same fixed latitude as that of the 30th days, and will not ascend or decline, so that there is a 360° rotation in one year, although there are 364 days in one year. The sun remains at celestial latitude of 0° for two days to begin the Spring, and it remains at celestial latitude of 90° North for two days to begin the Summer, and it remains at celestial latitude of 0° for two days to begin the Autumn, and it remains at celestial latitude of 90° South for two days to begin the Winter:
The Enoch Calendar was used by David and he understood that each month had 30 days, plus one day at the end of each quarter for the change in season. This is how David and Jonathan knew when the new month began, as it was a Holy Festival Day celebrated by all the Hebrew people: 1 Samuel 20:5-6 David said to Jonathan, Behold, tomorrow is the new month, and I should not fail to sit at table with the King; but let me go, that I may hide myself in the field till the third day at evening, (the 3rd day was the Feast of Weeks). 6. If thy father at all miss me, then say, David earnestly asked leave of me that he might run to Bethlehem his city for the Yearly Sacrifice with his family. (David presents himself before the Priest on the 4th day, on the Feast of Firstfruits, on Nob Hill in Jerusalem; 1Samuel 21:1-5 and Exodus 34:22-23). 1 Samuel 20:18 Then Jonathan said to him, Tomorrow is the new month; and you will be missed, because your seat will be empty. Numbers 28:11-15 AT THE BEGINNINGS OF YOUR MONTHS you shall offer a burnt offering to AHAYAHA: two young bulls, one ram, seven male lambs a year old without blemish; 12 also three tenths of an ephah of fine flour for a cereal offering, mixed with oil, for each bull; and two tenths of fine flour for a cereal offering, mixed with oil, for the one ram; 13 and a tenth of fine flour mixed with oil as a cereal offering for every lamb; for a burnt offering of pleasing odor, an offering by fire to AHAYAHA. 14 Their drink offerings shall be half a hin of wine for a bull, a third of a hin for a ram, and a fourth of a hin for a lamb; THIS IS THE BURNT OFFERING OF EACH MONTH THROUGHOUT THE MONTHS OF THE YEAR. 15 Also one male goat for a sin offering to AHAYAHA; it shall be offered besides the continual burnt offering and its drink offering. Isaiah 66:23 From NEW MONTH TO NEW MONTH and from Sabbath to Sabbath, all flesh shall come to Worship before Me says AHAYAHA. Ezekiel 46:1 Thus says The Almighty AHAYAHA: The Gate Of The Inner Court That Faces East Shall Be "Shut" On The Six Working Days; but on the Sabbath Day it will be "Opened" and on the Day Of The NEW MONTH it will be "Opened." Ezekiel 46:3 The people of the land will Worship At The Entrance Of The Gate Before AHAYAHA on the Sabbaths and on the NEW MONTHS. Amos 8:4-7 Hear this! You that trample on the needy will desist, and the poor of the land shall rest. 5 You that say, WHEN THE NEW MONTH IS OVER, WE WILL SELL GRAIN, and the Sabbath, we will open the wheat, to measure out less and get more shekels by falsifying the scales, and being deceitful 6 to acquire the silver of the poor and the shoes of the needy, but sell them the refuse of the grain. 7 AHAYAHA swore that this arrogance of Jacob will Never be forgotten, nor their works. 2 Kings 4:23 He said go, it is not the Day of the NEW MONTH or Sabbath, so go in peace. Enoch was the first man to write down the Calendar and it is the Calendar that Two Classes of Angels use, who also observe the Sabbath Day in heaven and on earth:
Yah's Calendar (or the Enoch Calendar) was observed from the time of the Creation Week, and after the flood it was observed in Sumer (Shinar), today's southern Iraq, where Noah's family and Abraham lived. The Sumerian Priests (called Sesg Allu) would look for the following events that signaled the end of the year and the beginning of the New Year, and two events occurred on the equalized days (the last two days of the year):
The word "Tishri" comes from the original Assyrian word "Tasri-tu," (tasrÿtu), which means "Beginning," as in the beginning of a month or the beginning of a year. In ancient times, the year was in two periods of six months, and each of the six months were called the "Beginning of the First month" to the "Beginning of the Sixth month." This is why the Seventh Month became also known as the First Month, and their names became interchangeable, and this is how the Jews ended up having their New Year in Autumn instead of in the Spring:
However, in Palestine today, and in the surrounding countries, the word Tishri-n is still used, and it still has the same meaning, Beginning, as in ancient times, and the following are a few examples:
The Psalm 81:3 verse was translated incorrectly in many English bibles. The words for "Full Moon" in Hebrew are (yareach male יָרֵחַ מָלֵא), which was not used in this verse. The word used is (bakeseh בַּכֵּסֶה), which means "Covered, Concealed, or Hidden," as the moon is "hidden" by the brilliance of the sun in the daytime, and the moon is "hidden" beyond the horizon at nighttime. The following example shows the sun and moon rising over Jerusalem on New Year's Day, March 17, 2018. On this morning, the sun rises at 5:47 a.m. and the moon rises four minutes later at 5:51 a.m., but the moon is concealed by the glow of sun all day long and cannot be seen. On this evening, the moon sets with the sun, with the moon setting at 5:47 p.m. and the sun setting one minute later at 5:48 p.m., and the moon is concealed beyond the horizon all night long and is not visible. ![]() At the beginning of every 19th year, the moon phase cycle begins to repeat itself on the same dates (i.e. New Moon on March 16/17, 1980, 1999, 2018, 2037, 2056, 2075, 2094 etc., and 2094 is a Jubilee Year, (see list of Jubilee Years below). We think a change in the cycle of the moon may have occurred during Hezekiah's days when only the sun was held back from ascending, but the Moon continued on its regular course. In Joshua's days, both the sun and moon stood still, so the sun and moon were synchronized. However, when only the sun was held back by 10 degrees, it appears this event caused the moon to be out of synchronization with the sun, so that a New Moon coincides with New Year's Day every 19 years instead of every year: 2 Kings 20:11 Isaiah the prophet called out to AHAYAHA to keep back the shadow by Ten Degrees; and to keep it back from going higher or lower as it ascends on Ahaz. Isaiah 38:8 He shall keep back the shadow from ascending or declining; as the sun ascends on Ahaz, it shall be kept back by ten degrees. The sun shall be kept back ten degrees from going higher or lower. Enoch 80:4 And the moon shall alter her order, And not appear at her time.
From Jerusalem Going Westward to the
International Date Line
(West Of the Date Line The Dates Are 1 Day Ahead;
Spring 3/18, Summer 6/17, Autumn 9/16, Winter 12/16)
13 Weeks Per Season In The Holy Calendar = 364
Days Per Year
The ancient Sumerian texts say that the sun (Shamash) Equalizes the year on the 30th Day of the Solar Month, (and also on the 31st Day of the Solar Month, which is the Season Change Day), and the star Algenib, (the Sign), sweeps along the Sun's Path just before sunrise on New Year's Day (March 17th), and the following shows the translated cuneiform tablet that is housed in the British Museum:
Epic of Creation, Tablet V
He made the crescent moon appear, entrusted night (to
And designated it the jewel of night to mark out the
Go forth every month without fail in a corona,
At the beginning of the month, to glow over the land.
You shine with horns to mark out six days;
On the seventh day the crown is half.
The fifteenth day shall always be the mid-point,
the half of each month.
When Shamash looks at you from the horizon,
Gradually shed your visibility and begin to wane.
Always bring the day of disappearance,
close to the path of Shamash.
And on the thirtieth day, the [year] is always
for Shamash is [responsible for] the year.
A Sign [shall appear (?)]: sweep along its path.
Then always approach the [ sun ] and judge the
(The remaining 15 lines of the Tablet are broken-up,
but the words "New Year's Festival" are clearly readable.)
There are three Stars, (Markab, Scheat, and Algenib), in constellation Pegasus that were called the "Stars of Ea" (Yah the Father) by the Sumerians, and these three Stars brought in the New Year. The Sumerian Priests would observe constellation Pegasus each day as Spring approached, and anxiously awaiting the heliacal rising of the Fourth Star (called the IKU Star that completed the "Square" of constellation Pegasus). On March 16th, the fourth IKU Star (which is now called Algenib) appears to flicker as it rises along the "east-north-east horizon" just before sunrise, and it is the Sign that this Day is the "Day of Equal Day and Equal Night" and the Last Day of the Year, (the Sabbath Day). On March 17th, the star Algenib sits on the "east-north-east horizon" and is Steadily Visible just before sunrise, and it shows that the New Year had begun, and this day was called NisAnu 1:
The Akitu Festival marked the New Year and was celebrated from NisAnu 1 to NisAnu 12, with rituals, prayers, and offerings everyday, and the "Creation of the World" story, [Enuma Elish], was recited on NisAnu 4. The Akitu Festival rituals also depicted the Affirmation and Enthronement of Ea Alulim (Yah Elohim) as "King and Priest." The Sumerian Akitu Festival was a semi-annual festival celebrated at the beginning of Spring and at the beginning of Autumn in every year for 12 days. These 12 days were later included in the pagan religions and celebrated in winter, and are now known as the "12 Days of Christmas." To that end, from April Fools Day (April 1) to Christmas Day (December 25) is 269 days, and the average human pregnancy from the Fertilization Day to the Birth Day is 266–270 days. The biblical Moses taught the Hebrews the forgotten Akitu festivals, and Yah used the "Pass Over" and Exodus events to ensure that the Hebrews would never forget the Time of the New Year, as the Egyptian New Year began in mid-summer, at the time the Nile River began its annual flood. As stated, the star Algenib appeared on the Last Day of the year just before sunrise, and it was the fourth star that completed Constellation Pegasus, and it would look like a "Square" in heaven and it represented the Temple of Ea, (Yah the Father), on earth, that was called E-engurra, (but is now called Tell Abu Shahrein / Shahrain), that was located in Sumer, in the city of Eridu. The biblical Abraham was also from Sumer, in the city of Ur, that was only 14 miles north-east of Eridu, and both cities were on the west side of the Euphrates River [Genesis 11:27-31]. The Temple of Marduk, (Yah the Son), was called E-sagila, and it was on the east side of the Euphrates River. Marduk was also named Ea, (Yah the Son), after his Creator Ea (Yah the Father), and Marduk was given kingship over the powers of heaven and earth, [Enuma Elish Tablet VI], and Marduk was acclaimed the "Ellil of the gods" or the "God of the gods," [Enuma Elish Tablet VII]. Marduk (Yah the Son) was also known as the "Word" [Enuma Elish Tablet II, III, & VII], "His Word is firm, his Command cannot alter; No god can change his utterance." Marduk, Yah the Son, should NOT be confused with Marduk, King Nimrod's son. Nimrod's son Marduk "was worse than his father," (Jasher 7:47-48, 11:7, 13:15), and they are the offspring of Cush, from Noah's son Ham. Nimrod and his son Marduk were known as a "Wild Bull" and statues were built honoring them, like the Wall Street Charging Bull. In ancient times, it was King Nebuchadnezzar I, 1119–1098 BCE, that captured Elam and took the shiny golden statue of Marduk, (the wild bull), and moved it to Babylon where he erected it in the E-sagila temple. The book of Proverbs summarizes the creation of the world story with Yah the Father creating Yah the Son, and Yah the Son creating the the heavens and earth, [Enuma Elish Tablet V], and it was Yah the Son who brought the Hebrews out of Egypt: The Sumerian texts also say that Ea (Yah the Father) was the one who "Created Humanity" and that Ea (Yah the Father) was the one who "Saved Humanity" from extinction, by warning Noah (Utu-Napishtim) of the coming flood that Ea (Yah the Son) was bringing on the earth, and he told Noah how to build a barge to live, [Atrahasis, Tablet III & Erra And Ishum, Tablet I]. Ea (Yah the Father) is also known as the ONLY SAVIOR in the Tanakh and he told the children of Israel to obey Ea (Yah the Son) or they will be punished by him: Now, as for the moon, its main function is to regulate the waters of the earth every day and to oxygenate the waters for life to exist. As the moon revolves around the earth, it pulls the waters towards it, thus stirring up all the oceans and seas so that they do not stagnate. The moon has "Four Appointed Times" Each Day, to make the Tides High, "twice a day," and to make the Tides Low, "twice a day," and this is what the Psalm was talking about; The moon knows the time to make the tides "High and Low," just like the sun knows the time to "Rise and Set:"
Jeremiah 31:35 Thus says
AHAYAHA, who gave the SUN as
the light for DAY; and decreed the MOON and STARS as the lights for
NIGHT, that stir up the seas by waves and turbulence;
AHAYAHA of hosts
is His name.
Psalm 104:19 The moon was made for appointed times, and the sun knows when to go down.On the new moon and on the full moon, the tides are at a greater than average height, making the high tides and low tides the highest, (called spring tides). On the 1st quarter and 3rd quarter moon, the tides are at a lesser than average height, making the high tides and low tides the lowest, (called neap tides). The sun and moon also work in harmony to "mark" out the passing of time, where the sun allocates different portions of its light to the moon, making the moon an important guide for people traveling by sea or land; to know how much time had elapsed by the phases of the moon, which mark the weeks:
Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as a Priest for Me; and since you have forgotten the Laws of your AHAYAHA, I also will forget your children.
The "International Date Line" puts certain countries one day ahead of
the Jerusalem dates, i.e. countries between 180° East Longitude TO 36°
East Longitude, which is from Eastern Russia down to New Zealand, to
Western Russia down to Kenya. The
7th Day Sabbaths and Holy Days in this region are one day after the
dates on this Calendar:(Download Desktop Background: Month 1 to 6 and Month 7 to 12)
In the Regular Years, the Names *3/14 & 3/15 Represent One Day, Joshua's Long Day, and 3/16 is the 364th Day that Ends The Year. When 2/29 is added, the Names 3/1 to 3/14 change to *2/29 to *3/13. Jubilees 6:23 And on the New Month of the First Month, and on the New Month of the Fourth Month, and on the New Month of the Seventh Month, and on the New Month of the Tenth Month are the days of remembrance, and the Days of the Seasons in the Four Divisions of the Year. These are written and ordained as a testimony for ever. Jubilees 6:29-31 And they placed them on the heavenly tablets, each had thirteen weeks; from one to another (passed) their memorial, from the first to the second, and from the second to the third, and from the third to the fourth. 30 And all the days of the commandment will be two and fifty weeks of days, and (these will make) the entire year complete. Thus it is engraven and ordained on the heavenly tablets. 31 And there is no neglecting (this commandment) for a single year or from year to year.
SABBATH YEARS AND JUBILEE YEARS The Jubilee system is shown at the Feast of Booths, where the end of the Week, the 7th Day Sabbath, is followed by the 8th Day that is the 1st Day of the Week. It is also shown at the Feast of Weeks, where the end of the 7 Weeks, the 49th Day Sabbath, is followed by the 50th Day that is the 1st Day of the Week. It is the same again for the Jubilee Year, where the end of the 7 Weeks of Years, the 49th Year Sabbath, is followed by the 50th Year that is the 1st Year of the Jubilee count. Leviticus 23:11-16 is talking about the weekly Sabbath, and the Wave Offerings are done on the 1st Day of the Week, on the "morrow after the Sabbath," Yah's 7th Day Sabbath, and not the man-made "Abominable Days" they call sabbaths, Leviticus 23:36, 39, Leviticus 25:20-22. The Sabbath Year begins on the Day of Atonement every Sixth Year, on the Tenth Day of the Seventh Month to begin the Land Rest, (Leviticus 26:34), and the Jubilee Year begins on the Day of Atonement every Forty Ninth Year, on the Tenth Day of the Seventh Month to begin the Jubilee year, where Liberty is proclaimed to all the inhabitants of the earth, (Leviticus 25:10). The Holy Years begin in Autumn to the next Autumn. Yah's blessing is given in the Sixth Year beginning on the Day of Atonement, from the Day of Atonement to the Next Day of Atonement, for three years:
King Hezekiah observed the Sabbath and Jubilee Years in 701 BCE and 700 BCE, (2.Kings 19:29, Isaiah 37:30), and Ezra the Priest observed the Sabbath and Jubilee Years in 456 BCE and 455 BCE. The following is a list of Sabbath years and Jubilee years for 51 years. Click here for the Sabbath and Jubilee Years from when Creation began, based on the Book of Jubilees, the Book of Jasher, the Bible, and other Historical Reference books. The Sabbath Year begins in the 6th Year, on the Day of Atonement, and the Jubilee Year begins in the 7th Year on the Day of Atonement:
When one nation makes an Agreement, (i.e. Treaty or Covenant), with another nation, they are making a Covenant with that nations power who rules over that nation:
THE REAL TEN COMMANDMENTS FROM YAH (Exodus 34:10-28) He said, I am making a Covenant, (Treaty), with the people. I will work marvels never before done in any nation and in all the world. The people you live among will see the awesome work that Yahowa will do for you. Keep what I command you today. I will drive out before you the Amorites, Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. Be careful not to make a treaty with those who live in the land where you are going, or they will be a snare among you. Destroy their altars, break down their pillars and cut down their groves:
1. Do not worship any other power and be zealous for
AHAYAHA's name, for I am a zealous Almighty
Be careful not to make a treaty with those who live in the land; for
when they prostrate themselves to their idols and sacrifice to them, they
will invite you and you will eat their sacrifices. And when you choose
some of their daughters as wives for your sons and those daughters
prostrate themselves to their false deities, they will lead your sons to do the
same (Targum
Jonathan). 2. Do not make any idols. 3. Celebrate the Festival of Unleavened Bread. For seven days eat bread made without yeast, as I commanded you. Do this at the appointed time in the month of Abib, for in that month you came out of Egypt. 4. THE FIRST OFFSPRING OF EVERY WOMB BELONGS TO ME, remember the firstborn of your livestock, whether from herd or flock. Redeem the firstborn donkey with a lamb, but if you do not redeem it, pay its price. Redeem all your firstborn sons. No one is to appear before me empty-handed. 5. Six days you shall labor, but on the seventh day you shall rest; even during the plowing season and harvest you must rest. 6. Celebrate the Festival of Weeks with the firstfruits of the wheat harvest, and the Festival of Ingathering at the end of the year. (Eating unleavened and unfermented foods with bitter herbs for seven days also heals fungal and parasite infections in the body). 7. Three times a year remember to appear before The Sovereign AHAYAHA, The Almighty One of Israel. I will drive out nations before you and enlarge your territory, and no one will covet your land when you go up three times each year to appear before AHAYAHA your Almighty One. (We must appear and bring our offerings, for the THREE WAVE OFFERINGS in the year: on the 1st Day of the Festival of Unleavened Bread, on the 50th Day for the Festival of Weeks, and on the 1st Day of the Festival of Ingathering. The Offering is Waived on the day after the weekly Sabbath, that is the 1st Day of the Three Festivals, Leviticus 23:9-14). 8. Do not offer a blood sacrifice to me, along with anything containing yeast, and do not let any of the offerings from the Passover Festival remain until morning. (AHAYAHA will not accept Blood Sacrifices, Leavened Offerings, and Heated Honey as offerings, Leviticus 2:11, Proverbs 16:24, Isaiah 66:3-4, Amos 5:21-22, only new pure offerings in their original, natural, created state are accepted as offerings, i.e. newborn "clean" animals, the first of the fruits and vegetables, new suckling milk, and raw honey in the honeycomb). 9. Bring the best of the firstfruits of your soil to the house of AHAYAHA your Almighty One. 10. Do not cook a young goat in its mother’s milk, (Boiling a kid in it's mother's milk was an idolatrous Canaanite fertility rite where the broth made from this special sacrifice to their gods was then sprinkled in the fields and on plants, (after being harvested), along with magical chants to revive the spirits of the dead seeds for an abundant harvest in the next year.) AHAYAHA said; Moses, inscribe these commands from my mouth; hew out the commands of the Treaty for Israel. He was with AHAYAHA forty days and forty nights without eating bread or drinking water, and inscribed on the tablets the commands of the Treaty — "TEN COMMANDMENTS"
BLOOD SACRIFICES Yah Never commanded Moses to do blood sacrifices, nor to eat flesh. Moses continued obeying the Egyptian Serpent god's commandments and redirected the blood sacrifices to Yah, since he could not stop the people from doing this abominable act. Moses also made a Serpent idol and had the people worship it, (Numbers 21:9 and 2 Kings 18:1-4), and he would not honor Yah in the eyes of the people, (Numbers 20:12). This made Yah angry, and these are the two reasons why Moses and the people 20 years old and above were not allowed to enter into Yah's Holy Land, (Deuteronomy 34:1-5):
Thus says AHAYAHA your Maker, AHAYAHA Who formed you and provided for you; AHAYAHA Is My Name, Call to Me and I will answer, and I will tell you Great and Inaccessible Things that you have not known. Jeremiah.33:2-3